Muscle Relaxing and Dermal Fillers Injections

Dermal fillers and muscle relaxing/anti-wrinkle injections with Antony. All of the procedures are personally administered by Antony who will spend time with you before the procedure to discuss your preferences and the treatment options available. This means that you get only the most effective procedures available, carried out safely and professionally.

The Hub realises the importance and value of having an in-house health professional to provide a range of aesthetic treatments. Quality treatments will be offered that are affordable by an experienced professional who has the knowledge, skills and experience. Payments can also be spread over a period of time through a finance contract.

Antony has over 28 years experience in the NHS working within the acute emergency sector.  He is an experienced Nurse Practitioner and Prescriber.  Antony has a wealth of experience in facial and skin trauma repair which equips him with an exceptional depth of knowledge of facial anatomy allowing for safe, reliable cosmetic results.


Anti-wrinkle treatment (Bocouture Botulinum toxin)

(most common areas requested: forehead, frown lines, crow’s feet and bunny lines)

Number of areas treated                           Price

1 area                                                             £160

2 areas                                                           £190

3 areas                                                           £220

Other Botulinum toxin treatments

  • Other treatments offered:                                  Price
  • Nefertiti neck lift (Platysma bands)                  £300
  • Lower face narrowing (Masseter reduction)  £220
  • Chemical brow lift                                               £190
  • Bunny lines (Nasalis)                                           £160
  • Gummy smile (Levator Labii Superioris)         £160
  • Smokers lines                                                       £160
  • Dimpled Chin (Mentalis)                                     £160
  • Down turned mouth (Depressor Anguli Oris) £160
Dermal Filler Injection Treatment

Prices for dermal filler treatments are based on the type ans quantity of products esed. Antony at AR Aesthetics uses the non permanent Juvederm and Revolax ranges of dermal fillers enabling individualised choice for our clients. Each option will be discussed at your initial consultation.

Cheek                         £200 – £380

Lip injected                £150 – £350

Lip (no needle)          £150 – £300

Marionette lines       £100 – £250

Nasolabial Folds       £180 – £250

Tear Trough              £350

Hand Rejuvenation  (both hands)   £400

Microsclerotherapy Treatment

Spider veins removal from the legs

First session including surgical hosiery   £250.00

Second session (if required)                           £200.00

(*please note the initial consultation for this condition involves a detailed assessment of your medical history and clients may be asked to fill in a Dermatology life quality index assessment. All information is treated in the strictest confidence).

Male Treatments

As men have a larger muscle mass, an increased volume of the anti-wrinkle treatment is required to achieve the same effect. Therefore an additional 25% supplement is added to the above prices.

Pricing policy

Other clinics may charge less for treatments and practitioners have been known to dilute or use inferior products in order to provide cheaper treatments, so you may pay less for your treatment, but the quality and results may not be as good.

We at AR aesthetics only provide high quality products to achieve the best results possible for our clients and are open and transparent with our pricing policy.

AR aesthetics has a payment first policy for all new clients

Please note, there is a £30 supplement for the use of Botox Botulinum toxin

What exactly is Botulinum Toxin? Botox® is Allergan’s trade name for the protein Botulinum toxin.  When injected, Botulinum Toxin will temporarily relax the muscle by blocking any nerve impulses and in doing so it then prevents any dynamic wrinkles forming.

What products do you use? Anthony uses only the highest quality Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved products.  This includes Allergan’s Botox® and Bocouture from Merz. These products ensure the safest and gentlest procedure when treating clients.

How long does it take? An Anti-Wrinkle / Wrinkle Relaxing Treatment procedure will last no longer than 30 minutes.  Once the procedure is over there is no recovery time needed, with clients typically being able to return to normal activities straight away.

Please note: for all new clients an initial consultation followed by a cooling-off period is required prior to the procedure.

How long does it last?  The effects of a Anti Wrinkle / Wrinkle Relaxing Treatment will last between three to four months, with underarm treatment (for excessive sweating) lasting up to a year.

Will I receive any aftercare? At AR Aesthetics Clinic, all clients receive up to two weeks aftercare following their procedure.  This is to ensure clients are happy with their treatment and receive the utmost care and attention at all times.

 (*please note the initial consultation for this condition involves a detailed assessment of your medical history and clients may be asked to fill in a Dermatology life quality index assessment. All information is treated in the strictest confidence).

Male Treatments

As men have a larger muscle mass, an increased volume of the anti-wrinkle treatment is required to achieve the same effect. Therefore an additional 25% supplement is added to the above prices.

Pricing policy

Other clinics may charge less for treatments and practitioners have been known to dilute or use inferior products in order to provide cheaper treatments, so you may pay less for your treatment, but the quality and results may not be as good.

We at AR aesthetics only provide high quality products to achieve the best results possible for our clients and are open and transparent with our pricing policy.

AR aesthetics has a payment first policy for all new clients

Anti-wrinkle treatment (Bocouture Botulinum toxin)

(most common areas requested: forehead, frown lines, crow’s feet and bunny lines)

Number of areas treated                           Price

1 area                                                             £160

2 areas                                                           £190

3 areas                                                           £220

Please note, there is a £30 supplement for the use of Botox Botulinum toxin

ox® and Bocouture from Merz. These products ensure the safest and gentlest procedure when treating clients.

Other Botulinum toxin treatments

Other treatments offered:                                  Price

Nefertiti neck lift (Platysma bands)                  £300

Lower face narrowing (Masseter reduction)  £220

Chemical brow lift                                               £190

Bunny lines (Nasalis)                                           £160

Gummy smile (Levator Labii Superioris)         £160

Smokers lines                                                       £160

Dimpled Chin (Mentalis)                                     £160

Down turned mouth (Depressor Anguli Oris) £160

Hyperhidrosis /excess under arm sweating  £300*


(*please note the initial consultation for this condition involves a detailed assessment of your medical history and clients may be asked to fill in a Dermatology life quality index assessment. All information is treated in the strictest confidence).

Male Treatments

As men have a larger muscle mass, an increased volume of the anti-wrinkle treatment is required to achieve the same effect. Therefore an additional 25% supplement is added to the above prices.

Pricing policy

Other clinics may charge less for treatments and practitioners have been known to dilute or use inferior products in order to provide cheaper treatments, so you may pay less for your treatment, but the quality and results may not be as good.

We at AR aesthetics only provide high quality products to achieve the best results possible for our clients and are open and transparent with our pricing policy.

AR aesthetics has a payment first policy for all new clients

ll treatments:

What is Botox.

Botox is a muscle relaxant used to treat a number of conditions within the body. It contains the active substance Botulinum toxin type A and is injected into muscles. It works by partially blocking the nerve impulses to any muscles that have been injected and reduces excessive contraction of these muscles.

Anti-wrinkle injections are used in the treatment of several areas including: the forehead, frown lines and crow’s feet. Botulinum toxin also has a number of medical uses which include excessive sweating, muscle spasms and migraines.

If you are thinking about anti-wrinkle treatment it is important that you do so after proper consultation and by someone who is qualified. Botulinum toxin is a prescription drug and should only be administered by a clinician who is trained to do the procedure in a safe manner.

Frequently asked questions

  • How soon will I see the results? Within 3-7 days and this will continue to improve over the following 2 weeks. Sara will contact you after 2 weeks to see if you are happy with the results or if you require a free top-up.
  • How long does Botox last? Usually about 3-4 months but in some cases can last up to 6 months.
  • Does Botox hurt? Some customers will experience mild discomfort for a few seconds. Bruising and pain is minimised by using very small needles.
  • Aftercare advice. For the first 2 hours after treatment it is important not to rub the affected area. For the following 24 hours do not engage in vigorous exercise, drink alcohol or experience prolonged sun exposure (natural or artificial).


What are dermal fillers? Dermal fillers replace lost volume and treats static facial lines by replenishing the natural hyaluronic acid content of the face.

Which treatments are available at the Hub?

Lip and cheek enhancement

Nasolabial folds (smile lines)

Marionette lines (lines from the corner of the mouth running downwards)

Smokers lines (vertical upper lip lines)

When will I see the effects of dermal filler treatment?  Immediately

Will it hurt? An anaesthetic cream will be used to prevent any pain.

Will the dermal filler become hard or noticeable? No. The dermal fillers we use take on the characteristics of the body’s own tissue.

Aftercare advice

You can immediately resume normal daily activities. As with Botox, patients should avoid excessive alcohol, exercise or sun for the first 24 hours.


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