Warm Bamboo Massage (as deep as you want)

Bamboo massage is comparable to a deep tissue massage

This powerful massage delivers stress relief, muscle strengthening, lymphatic drainage and reactivates the circulation. Overall flexibility, balance and inner wellbeing is improved and specific reflexology points are activated.

Bamboo massage will benefit anyone who leads an active lifestyle and requires deep work to soften and break down muscular tension.



Circulatory system is stimulated

The circulatory system circulates blood around the body through the heart, arteries and veins. This physiological system delivers oxygen and nutrients to organs and cells, and carries their waste products away. Bamboo massage techniques will release restrictions on circulatory flow helping to ease fascial tension and relieve muscle spasms.

Improves lymphatic circulation The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells throughout the body.

A properly functioning lymphatic system is essential for overall health. Bamboo massage techniques improve lymphatic circulation by promoting the removal of fluids and toxins, a significant improvement will be seen on areas with water retention, leading to an improvement in the appearance of cellulite.

Stimulates cellular activity, repair and deeply nourishes the skin Massage techniques promotes circulation to the skin, aiding cell turnover and improves the appearance and function of the skin.

Breaks down and softens adhesions When a muscle is overworked or injured, it can tighten up, making the surrounding muscles tighten into a knot to protect the area from further injury. Other causes of muscle knots are stress and tension, injuries related to lifting and repetitive motion, Poor posture’, Sitting without stretching as a result of remaining in the same position for prolonged periods.

Traditional massage techniques are enhanced when using the bamboo canes, as you are able to apply more pressure, for example rolling, stretching and trigger point pressures to offer a more effective method of breaking down these muscle adhesions.

Assist lactic acid removal Lactic acid can sometimes build up leading to painful, sore muscles. Lactic acid build up due to exercise is usually temporary, but it can affect exercise by causing discomfort.

The long sweeping movements during a bamboo massage will help to loosen tight muscles and reduce the build-up of lactic acid due to the stimulation of blood flow and lymphatic drainage.

Helps to manage stress

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